New Jersey Jeep Invasion 2022
Fun+Sun @ NJ Jeep Invasion
For the last several year we'd made our way out onto the sandy beaches of Wildwood, NJ for the mid-Summer gathering of the NJ Jeep Invasion. Boasting more than 2500 Jeeps in attendance with 100+ vendors, this is one of the few events taking place 100% on the beach thanks to the Wildwood's expansive beach. From the centralized vendor area with several big brands out for the festivities, food trucks, and obstacle course to the rows and rows of Jeeps hanging out on either side of the venue, NJ brought in the crowds and it was great to see JKS well represented around in the Northeast for this East Coast Jeep crowd.

We always have a blast at events like this being it brings in a wide range of Jeepers from your entry level enthusiasts to your seasoned pros. We had the opportunity to introduce, educate and offer advice to the masses looking to get more from their Jeeps. From improving the ride quality, clearing bigger tires, improving capability, and even fixing issues from other lift kits, our team was on site to assist while offering huge show specials to everyone that stopped by.

Eventually we got to explore the show and check out all the crazy builds in attendance. While we're all for customization the angry grill game is strong in the Northeast and love them or hate them they couldn't be missed with hundreds spotted from around the show. See the albums we added to Facebook and Instagram with more. #OIIIIIIIO

If the late model angry grille isn't your thing, there are plenty of trail built Jeeps, some old war heros and off-the-way rat rod Jeeps on display.

Check out some photos from the show, and as always follow us on Instagram and Facebook: @JKSMFG