All 4 Fun: A Colorado Experience
On a rainy week in July, JKS joined the Mile-Hi Jeep club for their annual All 4 Fun event. This event is somewhat unique in the fact that Mile-Hi changes it up and holds the event in a different location nearly every year. For 2022, 250 Jeeps ventured to Southwest Colorado’s San Juan Mountains for a week of off-roading on some of the most scenic and historic parts of Colorado’s mining country.
JKS brought Project Clifford with us, our 2018 Jeep Wrangle JLU Rubicon. As is typical for JKS, we drove Clifford near 2000 miles from Michigan, wheeled all week, and then drove home. We do this regularly for wheeling events to continue testing our products' durability, longevity and roadworthiness.

During the week, rains had caused mudslides to many trails including the iconic Imogene Pass which closed the trail for a few days while the road crews made repairs. On Friday, our friends and "Stay The Trail" hosted a trail clean-up day in which JKS participated and helped clean up over 200lbs of trash from campsites, trail staging areas, and on the trails themselves. For more information on Stay The Trail and its mission, check them out at
Thank you to Mile-Hi Jeep Club for organizing a fantastic event and we hope to see you all there next year!